Lawn Care Basics

A lawn care program includes weed control, fertilizer, and aeration. Using a light, low-nitrogen fertilizer in spring promotes healthy grass. Watering only in the morning helps avoid evaporation and disease problems.

Lawn Care

Aerating relieves soil compaction, enabling roots to breathe and improving water and nutrient penetration. Some companies use gas-powered machines that punch holes in the turf, while others spike the ground with long prongs. Visit to learn more.

Weed control is a part of good lawn care that involves the regular use of herbicides. Herbicides are chemicals that kill weeds without harming desirable grasses and plants. There are two main types of herbicides: pre-emergent and post-emergent. Pre-emergent herbicides are applied to the soil to prevent weed seeds from sprouting. Post-emergent herbicides are used to kill weeds that have already sprouted. The type of weeds you are trying to get rid of will determine which type of herbicide you should use. Dandelions, for example, are broadleaf weeds that can be killed by a general weed killer, but they also have a long taproot that needs to be sprayed with a weed killer that has a root-killing agent.

Weeds are most likely to establish themselves in bare or thin spots of the lawn. That’s why a strong, healthy stand of turfgrass is the best line of defense against weeds. A dense, lush canopy of grass crowds out weeds and denies them sunlight and water, making it much more difficult for them to grow. Regular fertilization and mowing help make sure the turfgrass is thick, healthy and vigorous enough to outcompete weeds.

When it comes to chemical weed control, there are two basic types of herbicides: non-selective and selective. Non-selective herbicides kill any weed they come into contact with, including the turfgrass. Selective herbicides are able to distinguish between the grasses and the weeds, and they only kill weeds without damaging the desired grasses.

There are also a variety of methods for removing existing weeds, both by hand and with a machine. When removing weeds by hand, it is important to pull the entire weed with its roots, as this will help ensure that it won’t return. Manual removal is a time-consuming process, but it can be very effective if done regularly.

When using an herbicide, it is important to read and follow the label directions. Different herbicides are formulated for different types of weeds, and some can have adverse effects on desirable vegetation when used incorrectly. It’s also important to know whether the weed you are targeting is a grassy weed, a grass-like weed or a broadleaf weed, as each requires a specific treatment plan.


Aeration, or soil cultivation, is a crucial maintenance tool to keep lawns healthy. The process mechanically removes small plugs of thatch and soil from the lawn to improve natural soil aeration. Aeration is often combined with dethatching, which is the mechanical removal of a layer of organic thatch between the green grass and soil surface. When aeration is done properly, it promotes the growth of healthy grass, improves soil structure and reduces plant diseases and weeds.

Aerating soil breaks up the compacted conditions that develop when soil becomes too dense. It allows water to soak in more efficiently, reducing runoff and allowing for deep root penetration. It also helps weed control by opening the door for weeds to be choked out by healthy, strong grass roots.

If you notice that your yard has a muddy, boggy feel when it rains, you probably need more aeration. Another sign that your lawn is in need of aeration is when the grass turns brown from overwatering or from drought stress.

Aerating in conjunction with lawn treatment and overseeding can help your lawn reach its full potential for thickness, health and beauty. The holes created by aeration allow seeds and fertilizer to come into direct contact with soil, allowing them to have the opportunity to grow quickly. Grass seed that is coated in Milorganite fertilizer has an even better chance of success.

Most lawns benefit from aerating every one to three years. If your lawn is impacted by heavy foot traffic or has clay soil, consider aerating more frequently. If you are overseeding, it’s best to aerate just before scattering the seed, so that the seeds can quickly find the open holes to settle in. During the growing season, cool-season grasses like fescue and rye need to be aerated in August or October, while warm-season grasses such as bermuda and zoysia should be aerated in late spring. Aeration also makes a good addition to your annual lawn care schedule after applying grass seed or fertilizers. Always apply a high-quality, slow-release fertilizer such as Milorganite after core aeration.


Lawn fertilization adds extra nutrients to a lawn that may be depleted from soil erosion, excessive rainfall or the use of pesticides and herbicides. Fertilization helps a lawn maintain its healthy appearance and to resist diseases, insects and weeds. There are a wide range of lawn fertilizers on the market, each with different ratios of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to meet the unique needs of various grass types and soil conditions. You can purchase granular lawn fertilizers in drop or broadcast spreader styles, as well as liquid lawn fertilizers that you can apply using backpack sprayers.

A granular lawn fertilizer typically comes in the shape of pellets that you apply with a spreader, often along a predetermined pattern to ensure even coverage. Many of these fertilizers are slow-release, meaning they release their nutrients into the grass over a long period of time. It’s important to calibrate your spreader according to the manufacturer’s instructions, as the granules can damage the grass or be blown into unwanted areas like flower beds and sidewalks.

There are also natural, nonsynthetic granular lawn fertilizers that do not contain any chemicals. These include dried blood, fish emulsion and manure and are sometimes labeled as “organic” fertilizers. They are slower-release than chemical fertilizers, as they require action by soil microbes before the nutrients become available to grass plants. They can be more expensive than synthetic lawn fertilizers, however.

Liquid lawn fertilizers are typically applied in a similar manner to granular fertilizers, except they are more likely to contain weed killer as well. They are generally used during the growing or dormant season to eliminate weeds in specific areas. Some of these products are formulated to kill all forms of grass and weeds, while others target only certain types of broadleaf or annual weeds.

When to apply lawn fertilizer varies by region, depending on weather conditions and the time of year. Most people prefer to use a spring fertilizer, when the grass is putting most of its energy into root growth. This prevents the plant from diverting too much energy to leaf development at a time when it can’t make efficient use of the added nutrients.


Mowing is a crucial element of lawn care and involves more than just cutting the grass. It involves mowing in a way that promotes healthy turf and prevents weed growth. It also involves removing debris and disposing of it properly. Mowing is also an important part of landscaping, and it can include trimming trees, shrubs, and bushes to maintain a beautiful appearance.

Lawn care companies often offer a variety of services that promote the health of your yard. They may do things like seeding, aerating, weed control, and mulching. They may even perform a soil pH balance to make sure your grass gets the nutrients it needs to grow. They might even provide outdoor pest control, and a good company will know how to do this in a way that doesn’t harm the environment or people.

The weather also affects the health of your lawn. For example, if it is very dry during the summer, then you will need to water your lawn more frequently to keep it from becoming stunted and unhealthy. A good lawn care company will monitor the weather and determine the best times to seed, fertilize, and aerate your lawn.

In addition, a good lawn care company will have the proper equipment to do the job. This includes a lawn mower, a trimmer, a spreader, and a hose with a spray nozzle. Some lawn care companies even have specialty tools for jobs such as edging, weeding, and trimming hedges.

It is also a good idea to choose a lawn care company that uses organic treatment options. Many companies use strong chemical herbicides and pesticides to achieve quick results, but these can damage the soil and create a health risk for people and pets. In contrast, organic lawn care treatments are safe for both the environment and people, and they also nourish the soil with slow-release fertilizers and organic matter. In the end, a quality lawn care company will improve the overall health of your lawn and give you a beautiful, green yard that you can be proud of.